Here it’s a pictures of my T shape brass water pipe fitting that cracked and start leaking.
Here are pictures of me testing Smart-UPS made by APC model APC 750 before replacement of batteries.
On oscilloscope i check true sine wave while working on battery (while testing on a power supply).
As You can see there is a beauty-full sine wave!
There are also visible connections in case You have that ups without battery.
Description says it will fit DP3600 but how about reality?
Some random UPS APC simple repair job – no DC charging – failed capacitor, after replace working perfect.
They are very old photo and i don’t remember what king of model it was…
Here are pictures of weirdest repair job i had…
I had not working FDD midi drive, after opening i found EPROM not properly fitted inside socket…
They are hard to pull out and enclosure was sealed so nobody tampered it…
I can’t imagine how much “G Force” should be apply to lift that ic from socked… of course enclosure don’t show any sights of shock / drop.
After pressing it down, everything start working correctly…
and video
Here You can see terrible build quality of Emerson sidewinder LED flashlight IR (Coyote Brown) em8447.
I opened PMNN4104A NiMH 7,2V battery used in Motorola DP3600 thinking about replacement cells inside for Eneloop but opening was almost impossible without damaging inside circuitry and plastic enclosure.
In my opinion it’s unfixable / not worth of fixing . See pictures and video for Yourself.
Finally i got replacement backup capacitor.
After soldering new cap and testing problem was solved, clock can be unplugged and after powering back time is still counting.
From some time, my great Philips Wake-up Light start suffering from resetting clock time after short power loss. I remember that some time ago, when unplugged in power loss occurred after power back clock time was continued. It clear indicate problem with backup battery. I decide to open and investigate.
Inside i found not a single use backup battery but capacitor. Over time it’s lost capacity.
I do not have spare so decided to order new one from bay.