Author Archives: ENB

Mac – Brew Cleanup – Error: Directory not empty @ dir_s_rmdir – /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.19.6

Recently running brew cleanup lead to following message

Error: Directory not empty @ dir_s_rmdir – /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.19.6

To resolve following issue i executed following command

sudo rm -R /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.19.6

Afterwards brew cleanup work and do it’s job.

Fixing dumpster dived HP ML350 G5 – no video – fans full speed

Cause of problem was in bulged (leaked) electrolyte capacitors.

After replacement – server works like champ – good score – planning to use on proxmox.

How connect Shure WL185 (WL194) TA4F to Sony UTX-B1 (3.5mm locking)

Recently I bought Sony UTX-B1 transmitter (bodypack) and I want use it with Shure WL185 Lavalier microphone.

Shure WL185 is ended up with TA4F plug and Sony UTX-B1 is using 3.5mm locking jack connector.

On eBay You can find adapters (quite expensive) that accept TA4F and give 3.5mm locking jack but they are expensive, this make sense if You need to switch between Shure bodypack or different brand – but in my case I’m going use it only on Sony so for my use best answer is just change plug.

WL185 is electrically compatible with Sony UTX-B1 and it’s only matter of replacement connector.

Here is color wiring:

T – Black

R – Red

S – Shield 

T- Tip

R- Ring

S – Sleeve

YouTube Google Takeout – how extract 001.tgz 002.tgz 003.tgz parts?

Recently (human error) lead to massive data loss on my side. I’m in process of rebuilding my archive. Youtube offer ability to download all uploaded videos to channel by using “Google Takeout”.

In my case it was result of multiple archives split-ed by tar gz.

I was looking for way of extracting them all at once but I was unable to do so – only first archive was extracted in compare to archive created by win-rar – You need only extract first part – rest are automatically recognised and used one-by-one.

Here is what I ended up with on my NAS server:

Solution was in SSH to nas server and executing command:

for file in *.tgz; do tar -zxf "$file"; done

Result of this code is single folder containing merged data from all parts.

Programming cable for Codan NGT

Making own programming cable for Codan NGT radios (whole seriess)

Video and tests:

Fixing GoTenna – fast blinking LED (can’t pair) issue

Author page that take all credit for resolving issue:

Local copy of PingTurtle article + data

Local Hard Copy
Local firmware files copy
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dosdude1, Homebrew, Node (and lot of other applications) throwing illegal hardware instruction on patched Catalina (installed on incompatible machine)

Yesterday I decided to give a try in making my old 7.1 MacBook Pro second chance by upgrading macOS to Catalina with IS NOT supported by Apple.

There is a reason why they want drop support for older architecture but You can squeeze last breath if You can allow for sacrifice in stability or compatibility. Upfront I can say that iMovie crash and I was unable to resolve that issue, other applications used for basic web-dev (phpstorm, mysql, nginx, npm) looks and feel working good but still I would not recommend it for profesional work when disruption in workflow cause money or data loss – for any non critical applications, reading email, watching YT it’s worth of trying.

First step is to upgrade patched macOS dosdude1

When You got Your system set up, and try to execute applications installed with Homebrew (in my case it was node) I got this error:

illegal hardware instruction

After investigation, I was able to locate problem. Applications distributed in Homebrew as bottle are compiled for specified architecture. Authors of Homebrew have valid reason to assume that this compiled software is going to be executed on compatible hardware in correlation with macOS version. There is no change of having C2D CPU in Catalina, here is why compiled code is targeted for newer CPU.

Lucky Homebrew have ability for self compiling any packages, but that operation have exactly same (error) outcome as when installing compiled bottle.

answer to this problem, is in telling Homebrew to set target architecture for older CPU-s.

You can edit this file:

nano /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/extend/os/mac/hardware.rb

and change it’s content to

frozen_string_literal: true
module Hardware
def self.oldest_cpu(version = MacOS.version)
if version >= :mojave

Notice edited architecture, when OS is greater or equal to Mojave

After that change we can recompile from source our not working applications by using following command.

brew reinstall -s python

-s stands from source

When trying recompile node, I still got error. After more investigation i found out that Node depend on another packages, that are already installed but not recompiled with new directive. Dirty solution i found is to see what node depend on:

brew info npm

and from following code, read dependencies section to recompile all dependent packages with -s

brew reinstall -s pkg-config
brew reinstall -s icu4c
brew reinstall -s python

After that, we can reinstall node

brew reinstall -s npm

After this operation, node works perfect. You can follow same schematic for any other applications that can be found in Homebrew.

Why it’s important to have oscilloscope and not always rely on multimeter measurement.

Here I post couple pictures of me, fixing LED WALL CLOCK.

There are spikes caused by (DC-DC converter) capacitor that failed (open, lost capacitance, high ESR) and they lead to RTC / MCU freeze and cause undesired operation.

On pictures there is waveform with failed capacitor (notice spikes) and after replacement.


Good looking capacitor turn’s BAD – why it’s good to have ESR meter

Here i’m working on Dymo PSU that failed, i most like expect leaked capacitor – but everything looks fine… for my eye… but not for ESR meter… we find a open (dead) cap that looks perfectly good and would never expect me to believe it was cause problem!

Also here is my video

Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /www/wwwroot/ on line 602